NZ Broadcasting School Students Excel at UTSNZ National Tertiary Badminton Championships

NZ Broadcasting School Students Excel at UTSNZ National Tertiary Badminton Championships

Two students from Ara’s New Zealand Broadcasting School, Coby Moratti and Tobias Macintosh, recently showcased their talent and enthusiasm at the UTSNZ National Tertiary Badminton Championships, delving into the world of sports commentary, showcasing their skills and passion for both sports and media.

For Tobias and Coby, this event was a unique opportunity to blend their academic knowledge with real-world experience. They seamlessly integrated themselves into the dynamics of sports coverage, from live commentary to insightful interviews with players and coaches. Their journey at the Championships showcased the blending of academic learning and practical application, highlighting the invaluable role of experiential opportunities in shaping future professionals.

It also provided a platform for networking and collaboration, as they engaged with athletes, officials, and fellow broadcasters, forging connections valuable for their future careers.

Coby Moratti, reflecting on his experience, expressed how the opportunity provided a "super positive" learning environment. Despite being new to commentary, Coby found the environment welcoming and conducive to learning with excellent support and guidance, mentioning, "I was given an awesome brief, I couldn't really mess up, and then if I did, I felt like there was a supportive pillow to fall into."

Working alongside experienced Badminton player Jenny Zhu in the commentary box allowed Coby to hone his skills in keeping conversations flowing, conducting on-the-spot interviews, and feeling comfortable in spontaneous interactions - a valuable asset for aspiring broadcasters.

Tobias Macintosh echoed similar sentiments, describing his involvement in the event as "really awesome", highlighting the camaraderie and supportive atmosphere fostered by the teams and everyone involved, and how working alongside other tertiary students further enriched his experience. "I had never attended a tertiary event before, but the environment was incredibly positive. The camaraderie and atmosphere, which I noticed more and more as the day went on made sitting there and talking about it all really easy and enjoyable—it was a lot of fun."

Through their participation in the UTSNZ National Tertiary Badminton Championships, Tobias and Coby not only showcased their talent but also gained invaluable hands-on experience.

Reflecting on the skills acquired, Tobias found commentary to be a natural yet challenging aspect, emphasising the importance of balancing informative content with engaging storytelling, making it interesting even during quieter moments in the game. He also appreciated the opportunity to learn about game statistics and insert interesting facts about players, enhancing the overall commentary experience.

Similarly, Coby aimed to enhance his conversational skills during his volunteer experience at the UTSNZ event. He wanted to learn how to maintain a smooth flow of conversation, even in situations where there might not be a clear topic to discuss. This involved interjecting with questions, keeping the dialogue engaging, and feeling comfortable with spontaneous interactions and interviews. By practicing these skills, Coby gained confidence in handling on-the-spot conversations, which are valuable in the broadcasting industry and beyond.

Both Tobias and Coby encourage fellow students to seize the opportunity to volunteer at UTSNZ events, emphasising the chance to try something new, meet new people, and add valuable experience to their portfolios.

Coby emphasised the opportunity for personal and professional growth, stating, "Do it. Because it's just an awesome opportunity." He highlighted how this experience could serve as a valuable asset in future endeavours, showcasing hands-on experience gained.

Tobias affirmed, "Definitely give it a go. I mean, it's the coolest vibe. You get to try something brand new and smack it on at some sort of CV if you want, or otherwise just come in and give it a go and meet some new people, and so 100% do it if you get the opportunity”.

Their positive experience not only highlights the valuable learning environment provided by UTSNZ events but also underscores the synergy between academic learning and practical experience in shaping competent and confident professionals as they transition from tertiary studies. It showcases why UTSNZ is an excellent platform for students to align with both on and off-court, offering opportunities for passionate and talented students wanting to put their studies to practical use with volunteer roles, both nationally and internationally.

To listen to the commentary by Tobias Macintosh (Day 1) and Coby Moratti (Day 2), and re-live all the action, you can watch the replays on UTSNZ TV -

Posted: Wed 01 May 2024
