2022 Aon NZ University Rowing Championships Postponed

2022 Aon NZ University Rowing Championships Postponed

Originally posted on Rowing NZ website: https://rowingnz.kiwi/Story?Action=View&Story_id=919

Following consideration by the Universities Committee a decision has been made to postpone the 2022 Aon NZ University Championships that were scheduled for 8th and 9th April 2022 in Whanganui. The reason for the postponement is due to the ongoing uncertainly around COVID. A number of Universities raised their concerns around student travel and were not supportive of students traveling across islands while New Zealand is in Red setting. The committee are investigating the possibility of a new date for later in 2022, we will provide a further update on Friday 25 March 2022.

As the Trans-Tasman University Team trial was due to take place immediately following the University Championships, it is necessary to make alternative arrangements. We have decided to move the Nomination deadline forward to Monday 14 March in order to help us determine a selection process for the team based upon the location of nominees. Please note, 2km Erg tests can still be submitted until the end of March as per the selection guidelines so can be submitted after the nomination. We would ask that you circulate the new nomination deadline widely amongst the University Rowing community so that people are aware of the change and do not miss out. This will also be communicated to National Pathway athletes and coaches directly and via our social media channels.

Should you have any questions please contact Mark Weatherall, GM Community and Development on 021 132 4519 or markw@rowingnz.kiwi

Posted: Thu 10 Mar 2022
